Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

“Theory and practice of organizing quality of continuous education” from V.T. Alexandrov

Our teachers teach not only students, but also colleagues, and share experience and knowledge on pressing issues of education.

So, from May 19 to 22, 2020, Vadim Trofimovich, professor of the Department of Finance and Entrepreneurship, read lectures as part of the short-term continuing education program “Theory and Practice of the Organization of Continuing Education Quality”, in which more than 160 scientific and pedagogical and other employees of Sumy State University and listeners from other regions of Ukraine.

The training program was aimed at the ability of scientific and pedagogical and pedagogical workers to provide high-quality educational services, taking into account optimal and effective technologies for organizing the work of the brain and human memory.

V.T. Alexandrov is the guarantor of the educational program “Electronic Business, Finance and Communications”.