Academic and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management

Young managers at the VSBSF 2020 forum in Bangladesh

The Virtual Social Business Students’ Forum 2020 was held on November 25-26 at Duffodil International University (Bangladesh). The Virtual Social Business Students Forum (VSBSF) 2020 is a global community of students for the exchange of ideas and ideas in the field of social business. This year’s VSBSF is held under the slogan “The role of youth in the fight against poverty, unemployment and net carbon emissions”.

It was attended by 200 delegates from more than 15 countries. The Department of Management was represented at this forum by 8 participants, including both experienced participants in academic mobility programs and foreign students, who always take an active position on virtual mobility activities.

In the forum, in addition to theoretical experience, students of the Department of Management had the opportunity to communicate globally and an exclusive opportunity to listen to the report of Nobel Prize winner Professor Muhammad Yunus (father of social business and microcredit), and ask him questions.

Students and graduate students were pleased to represent Sumy State University at such a prestigious event. We hope to continue to participate in such forums, share experiences and gain new knowledge, despite the quarantine restrictions.